- Psychology
Wave of resilience
Indian survivors of the devastating Asian tsunami employed spiritual and community coping strategies to regain emotional balance
By Bruce Bower - Psychology
Simpleminded Voters
An innovative research technique has led researchers to conclude that well-informed voters often use simple rules of thumb to sift through mountains of campaign information and pick the candidate who best reflects their own political views.
By Bruce Bower - Humans
Worth the cooties
Boys who attend preschool classes with a majority of girls do better developmentally than other boys.
By Bruce Bower - Anthropology
Numbers beyond words
New research with Amazonian villagers suggests that their language lacks number words but that they still comprehend precise quantities of objects.
By Bruce Bower - Humans
Symbolic snacks
Capuchin monkeys can reason with tokens as they do with different foods, demonstrating a basic capacity for thinking symbolically.
By Bruce Bower -
- Health & Medicine
Mondo bizarro
Psychiatrists measuring the degree of similarity between dreams and psychotic ruminations report some strange features common to both.
By Amy Maxmen - Psychology
Smarten up
Taxing memory training produces at least short-term increases in a critical type of intelligence.
By Bruce Bower - Health & Medicine
Asperger’s syndrome may not lead to lack of empathy
People with high-functioning autism respond to others' pain, two studies show.