Science News Magazine:
Vol. 176 No. #4
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More Stories from the August 15, 2009 issue
- Computing
Random numbers faster
Researchers have devised a way to use a laser to create strings of orderless bits for encryption.
- Earth
Signs of ancient sea ice
New analyses of Arctic seafloor sediments suggest floating ice debuted in the ocean at least 47.5 million years ago.
By Sid Perkins - Life
Old gene, short new trick
A single genetic modification is linked to the stature of short-legged dog breeds, new research shows.
- Physics
Raindrops go it alone
A new study using a high-speed camera finds the shattering of solitary drips can produce a variety of sizes.
- Health & Medicine
Early testing for Alzheimer’s
Spinal fluid test in people with mild cognitive impairments can predict in many cases who will develop the disease.
By Nathan Seppa - Life
Sleeping ugly
Analysis pinpoints genes that help springtails dehydrate and tough out the winter.
- Life
Protein plays three cancer-fighting roles
The tumor suppressor protein, p53, has three ways to protect cells from turning cancerous. A new study shows that p53 helps make microRNAs.
- Health & Medicine
Chimpanzees die from primate version of HIV
A new study links the simian immunodeficiency virus to serious AIDS-like illness in a wild population.
- Earth
Lopsided lights
Simultaneous snapshots reveal that northern and southern auroras aren’t always alike.
By Sid Perkins - Health & Medicine
Cheap shots — typhoid vaccine shows broad coverage
Vaccine protects against typhoid across age groups and is especially effective in young children.
By Nathan Seppa - Life
Beetle masters optics
Researchers may gain inspiration from the shell of Chrysina gloriosa, which twists light in a particular way.
- Animals
Toucan’s bill gives big chill
Bird’s supersized bill can switch personal air conditioning on and off, new research suggests.
By Susan Milius - Paleontology
Fossil shows first all-American honeybee
Nevada find contradicts long-held view of Europe and Asia as the native land of all honeybees.
By Susan Milius -
Science Future for August 15, 2009
August 31–September 4 Scientists and policy makers meet at the World Climate Conference-3 in Geneva. Visit September 2–6 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society meeting in Minneapolis. See September 12–16 Educators explore new teaching methods at the Astronomical Society of the Pacific meeting in Millbrae, Calif. See
By Science News -
Force and Motion: An Illustrated Guide to Newton’s Laws by Jason Zimba
Problem sets help high school and college students of all backgrounds understand mechanics. Johns Hopkins Univ., 2009, 428 p., $50 FORCE AND MOTION: AN ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO NEWTON’S LAWS BY JASON ZIMBA
By Science News -
Tackling toxicology and environmental health
In January, toxicologist Linda S. Birnbaum became director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, home to the National Toxicology Program, in Research Triangle Park, N.C. Birnbaum recently spoke with Science News writer Rachel Ehrenberg. What areas would you like to see the institute zoom in on? LINDA S. BIRNBAUM “If I see hundreds […]
Venom hunters
Scientists probe toxins, revealing the healing powers of biochemical weapons.
- Planetary Science
Stars go kaboom, spilling cosmic secrets
Astronomers hope type 1a supernovas will help in quest to explain dark energy.
By Ron Cowen -
Making tall or short of it In your article “The genetic dimension of height and health” ( SN: 5/9/09, p. 22 ), some medical consequences of being either taller or shorter than the median height of the study group are explained. To help us all extrapolate these findings to our own lives, don’t you think […]
By Science News -
Science Past from the issue of August 15, 1959
Complex “Moon” Succeeds — Explorer VI, sent up on Aug. 7, is the most complex satellite launched by the United States. The 142-pound satellite orbits the earth from 150 miles at its lowest point to some 25,000 miles at its farthest… This highly elliptical flight path means that the satellite’s instruments will cover a larger […]
By Science News -
Shorebirds of North America, Europe, and Asia: A Photographic Guide by Richard Chandler
A shorebird photographer offers detailed commentary on and vivid photos of 135 shorebird species. But no gulls. Princeton Univ., 2009, 448 p., $35. SHOREBIRDS OF NORTH AMERICA, EUROPE, AND ASIA: A PHOTOGRAPHIC GUIDE BY RICHARD CHANDLER
By Science News