Science News Magazine:
Vol. 176 No. #6
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More Stories from the September 12, 2009 issue
- Health & Medicine
Bone-preserving drug passes tests in men, women
New drug limits bone fractures in elderly women and men fighting prostate cancer
By Nathan Seppa - Earth
Big Gulp, Asian style
Satellite data reveals that increased irrigation pressure is rapidly depleting groundwater in northern India.
By Sid Perkins - Life
A gene for a short night’s sleep
Alterations in a gene called DEC2 lead to a shortened sleep period in people, mice and fruit flies.
- Archaeology
Fire engineers of the Stone Age
New evidence indicates that people used fires to heat stones in preparation for making cutting instruments at least 72,000 years ago in southern Africa.
By Bruce Bower - Physics
Casper the Quantum Ghost
Researchers find that a strange kind of imaging relies on quantum mechanics.
- Earth
Rapid evolution may be reshaping forest birds’ wings
Logging during the last century might have driven birds in mature boreal forests toward pointier wings while reforestation in New England led to rounder wings.
By Susan Milius - Animals
Vocal abilities lost, found and drowned out
Reports from the meeting of the American Ornithologists' Union
By Susan Milius - Health & Medicine
Worm-inspired superglue
Researchers create a material that may one day be used to paste together bones in the body.
- Health & Medicine
Using estrogen to combat persistent breast cancer
Estrogen therapy stymies breast cancer in some patients who have exhausted their other options, a new study finds.
By Nathan Seppa - Astronomy
Comet dust harbors life’s building blocks
Samples collected from a comet’s halo suggest comets could have carried amino acids to the early Earth
- Life
Bomb-tastic new worms
Scientists find previously unknown deep-sea species that launch bioluminescent packets.
- Animals
Back off, extinct moa
A New Zealand tree’s peculiar leaves may have served as defenses against long-gone giant birds.
By Susan Milius - Psychology
How to walk in circles without really trying
People walk in circles when landmarks and other directional cues are not available.
By Bruce Bower - Chemistry
Styrofoam degrades in seawater
Study suggests besides the visible plastic, smaller bits are fouling the waters
- Space
Extrasolar planets at full tilt
Violent interactions between planets may have played a key role in shaping the architecture of many extrasolar planet systems. The sun’s planetary system may have escaped or recovered from such a catastrophe.
By Ron Cowen -
Science Future for September 12, 2009
September 23–26 The Society of Vertebrate Paleontology marks Darwin’s bicentennial in Bristol, England. See October 11–17 Celebrate Earth Science Week with the American Geological Institute. Find local events at October 31 Deadline to enter the National Engineers Week Future City Competition for students. Visit
By Science News -
From Axons to Identity: Neurological Explorations of the Nature of the Self by Todd E. Feinberg
A neuroscientist considers the intimate relationship between the brain and sense of self. W.W. Norton & Co., 2009, 304 p., $25.95. FROM AXONS TO IDENTITY: NEUROLOGICAL EXPLORATIONS OF THE NATURE OF THE SELF BY TODD E. FEINBERG
By Science News -
The Spirit of Invention by Julie M. Fenster
A historian explores the role of innovation in American history, illustrated with archival photos and news clippings. Smithsonian Books/Collins, 2009, 256 p., $29.99. THE SPIRIT OF INVENTION BY JULIE M. FENSTER
By Science News -
Poseidon’s Steed: The Story of Seahorse, from Myth to Reality by Helen Scales
A marine biologist distinguishes fact from fiction about these famous and elusive fish. Gotham Books, 2009, 254 p., $24. POSEIDON’S STEED: THE STORY OF SEAHORSE, FROM MYTH TO REALITY BY HELEN SCALES
By Science News -
What Bluebirds Do by Pamela F. Kirby
Young readers can learn basic facts about the life history and ecology of these familiar backyard birds. Boyds Mill Press, 2009, 48 p., $18.95. WHAT BLUEBIRDS DO BY PAMELA F. KIRBY
By Science News -
Book Review: Science Under Siege: Defending Science, Exposing Pseudoscience edited by Kendrick Frazier
Review by Laura Sanders.
By Science News -
A place removed from ‘the pressure of received ideas’
Murray Gell-Mann, winner of the 1969 Nobel Prize in physics for his work on elementary particles (see Page 24 in this issue), was one of the originators of the Santa Fe Institute, an interdisciplinary research center in New Mexico that is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. Gell-Mann recently addressed a group of about 150 […]
- Psychology
Morality Play
Universal concerns, not cultural values, may shape kids’ developing notions of right and wrong.
By Bruce Bower -
Little by Little
As food allergies proliferate, new strategies may help patients ingest their way to tolerance.
By Laura Beil - Space
The Status Quark
Murray Gell-Mann reflects on matter’s building blocks and scientists’ resistance to new ideas.
Philosophers strike back As someone who has taught philosophy of science and history of science for 30 years, I must take exception with Tom Siegfried’s editorial, “Philosophers don’t know what scientists can’t do” (SN: 7/18/09, p. 2). Of course, they don’t! But neither do scientists! Immanuel Kant and Auguste Comte were just as wrong about […]
By Science News -
Science Past from the issue of September 12, 1959
Mushrooms aid mental ills — The mentally ill may be able to get peace and quiet with their steak and mushrooms, providing they eat some special mushrooms described at the 9th International Botanical Congress meeting in Montreal. The clue to the possible medical usefulness of these mushrooms was uncovered as a result of studies of […]
By Science News -
Finding the Big Bang
P. James E. Peebles, Lyman A. Page Jr. and R. Bruce Partridge, eds.
By Science News