Rebecca Dzombak

Rebecca Dzombak is a science writer covering the natural world and humans' role in it, past, present and future. She holds a Ph.D. in Earth and Environmental Sciences.

All Stories by Rebecca Dzombak

  1. Life

    Climate change is driving trees away from crucial fungi

    Without a fungal support network, trees can lose their ability to adapt to changing climatic conditions, increasing their extinction risk.

  2. Animals

    How a new Lyme vaccine for mice may protect people

    A vaccine, distributed as pellets, can neutralize Lyme-causing bacteria in wildlife. Scientists hope it will reduce Lyme exposure for people and pets.

  3. Life

    Capybaras thrive, even near humans, because they’re not picky eaters

    Scientists didn’t expect capybaras to eat both grasses and forest plants. The rodents’ flexible diet helps them live everywhere from cities to swamps.

  4. Science & Society

    Russia’s invasion could cause long-term harm to Ukraine’s prized soil

    War will physically and chemically damage Ukraine’s prized, highly fertile chernozem soils. The impacts on agriculture could last for years.

  5. Environment

    Corals may store a surprising amount of microplastics in their skeletons

    In tropical waters, coral reefs may be a “sink” for tiny bits of plastic debris. It’s unclear how corals’ trash pickup might affect reef health.

  6. Animals

    Flamingos dye their sun-faded feathers to stay pretty in pink

    During mating season, flamingos rub a makeup-like rouge on their necks to catch the eye of the opposite sex. They don’t bother once chicks are born.

  7. Paleontology

    How fossilization preserved a 310-million-year-old horseshoe crab’s brain

    A 310-million-year-old horseshoe crab’s brain was preserved in clay, thanks to an uncommon fossilization process that protected the fragile neural tissues.